
Jade Presents Founder Named to “17 to Watch in 2017”

Below is a transcript of an interview with Jade Nielsen, owner and talent buyer of Jade Presents written by Taylor Mims for the article, “17 to Watch in 2017” in Amplify.

Describe a typical day on the job.

Phone calls, lots of emails and meetings are typical. Although, I get bored easily and prefer to not get into a rut of the same day after day. I try to keep at least two days per week free to get creative with my team in marketing, branding, and business development.

What is your top goal or priority for 2017?

We’ve changed our focus over the last few years to quality over quantity. We prefer to deliver 100 events with great experiences, rather than blowing through 200 with little oversight. We have some jewel venues that we handle exclusively; Bluestem Amphitheater, Fargo Theatre, and The Sanctuary. With these venues, we handle all aspects of the event, from booking to ticketing to staffing to concessions. This allows us extra control and the ability to deliver the best experience possible.

What is one way that technology has changed or enhanced your life?

Jade Presents is rolling out an app in 2017. Through this technology, we can deliver the most up to date event information to our patrons, communicate with them in the most efficient way, and continue building an audience directly between the promoter and the fan.

What advice would you give someone just getting into the industry?

Whether you like it or not, you will need to develop thick skin to work in this business. Keep in mind what drew you to the business in the first place, which in most cases is a love of music and the arts. Don’t lose sight of that. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no,’ and at the same time, don’t take ‘no’ personally. Be persistent and professional in how you present yourself.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

Jade Presents is one of twelve entities I have ownership in, so I need to balance my time to dedicate to my other businesses, which cover ticketing, staffing, real estate, property management, and hospitality.